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A brief introduction to "The Spiral" model and Gravesian Theory
Overall Theory
What is Spiral Dynamics®?
Is the Spiral about waves or particles?
Is "Spiral Dynamics" a religion or cult?
Does the Spiral consist of a typology?
Did Dr. Graves come up with the name, "Spiral Dynamics?"
How does intelligence relate to this theory?
What about emotions and temperament factors?
What about the Spiral and "consciousness?"
What does ‘emergent’ mean in context of Graves/SD?
Is SD just about a color code? The double helix.
Is violence a product of Red?
What do the pairs of letters (AN, BO, CP, etc.) mean?
Why are there only eight systems or colors?
Is this model hierarchical?
Is there a timeline for systems emergence?
What's the highest level? Coral?
What do the terms "first tier" and "second tier" signify?
Where can I read about the third tier (double prime) levels—A''N'', B''O'', etc.?
Where did the colors in the Spiral Dynamics book come from?
Are the colors linked to the chakras or any other spectral pattern?
Comparison of Dr. Graves' Descriptions and Color Terminology
What's the story of the color terminology?
Metaphor Level Understanding - Playing Paintball
What are the Change States?
What is meant by 1st and 2nd order change?
Vertical, oblique, horizontal?
How does change fit Gravesian analysis?
Developmental levels or pop-ups?
How do the vMEMEs in Spiral Dynamics, memetics and Dr. Graves's work connect?
How do schema and thema interact?
Dr. Graves
How can I learn more about Dr. Graves' original work?
Tell me more about Dr. Clare W. Graves
Who can understand and apply this theory?
What is "the design question?"
Are there other people applying this model?
Does the Spiral model/Graves theory apply to large groups and not to individuals?
How does the Spiral model apply to leadership?
Assessment tools
The Spiral Dynamics® Change State Indicator
The Spiral Dynamics® Discover
The Spiral Dynamics® Values Profile II
Values and valuing systems (drawing from the 1974 Futurist article)
Is terrorism "Red?"
What do you think about President Bush's war and the "rapid successful democratization of Iraq?"
Why don't the numbers in the table on pp. 300-301of the book, Spiral Dynamics, add up to 100 percent?
Is "Flatland" a construct from Spiral Dynamics or Graves?
Is "Spiral Dynamics" a "Theory of Everything?"
What does POA stand for?
How does Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis approach relate to the Spiral model and Gravesian theory?
Integralism and SD
Why do some people in "Spiral Dynamics" flog it is 'integral' while others do not?
Is there such a thing as "the Mean Green meme?"
What do you think about writer Ken Wilber's representation of the Spiral and Graves?
Do you have any connection with Andrew Cohen's organization?
Boomeritis or Bust
Of Pandits and Bandits: A Meanderin' Ride in Ken Wilber's Wild West
Further Observations on Ken Wilber's June 8th Rant
Caveats and Concerns
What about impacts on indigenous cultures and languages?
Is "The Spiral" too much of a western convention?
What common misconceptions about the model are especially troublesome?
Not a typology, a way of thinking
How about Wikipedia as a resource for information about SD?
Marks of an amateur