About NVC Consulting > Natasha Todorovic, MBA, DCH, Partner

Natasha consults, coaches and trains worldwide for clients in a variety of industries using the models and approaches she also teaches in Spiral Dynamics® programs, including the Gravesian theories and models, and other related technologies.

Natasha’s expertise includes executive coaching, training and development at all levels of management. She has been working with Gravesian models since 1991 and has more than 20 years of experience in a broad range of positions and industries, including marketing in the high technology sector; retail and outside sales in products and services; consulting and training; and production, product development, marketing and merchandising in garment and textile manufacturing.

Natasha earned a master’s degree in business administration from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland, graduating with honors. She also holds a doctor of clinical hypnotherapy degree with a focus in accelerated learning, and is certified in the Adizes Methodology, a powerful corporate transformation process.

Natasha is co-editor of Graves: Levels of Human Existence and The Never Ending Quest: Clare W. Graves Explores Human Nature. She has been co-training the SPIRAL DYNAMICS® Levels 1 and 2 programs with Chris Cowan since 1998. She is currently co-developing the SPIRAL DYNAMICS® Level 3 program after three years of research into how people learn, understand, and conceptualize the material she teaches with Chris Cowan.

Natasha joined the National Values Center as a partner in 1998 and is also co-founding partner in NVC Consulting in 1999.

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