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Articles and papers

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  • Colours in Education: A Case Study
    Does it take an educator with a different psychological make up and approach to deal with at-risk youth? This article compares a sample of US and Australian educators with a team who have had great success in working with at-risk-youth. Profiles and methodology are included.

  • The 'Mean Green Meme' Hypothesis: Fact or Fiction?
    The "mean green meme" debate has raged for years on various "integral-" and Spiral Dynamics-focused blogs. While opinions about its validity vary, this is the only paper that goes beyond mere opinion and conjecture to explore the construct and support for it. Includes charts and some research results.

  • Politics_of_Polarization
    Have you ever wondered about right/left culture clashes or the US political divide during the Iraq crisis? This story follows a fictional character through an on-the-streets conflict to explore some factors. It presents research results, graphs and an interesting twist on the 'usual' Spiral speculations. 

  • SD & NLP: Presuppositions
    How do the principal tenets of NLP compare with those of Spiral Dynamics? Find out more in this comparison of presuppositions.  

  • Spiral Dynamics:  The Layers of Human Values in Strategy
    Leadership and strategic planning continue to be big issues in business today. Learn about the major leadership approaches and how that impacts companies in today's world.

  • The Fifth Level: Jihad, McWorld and Gaia
    Terrorism, corporate globalization, and the forces standing up for sustainable practices are collaborating and conflicting in surprising ways. Take a journey as we connect a variety of outlooks with the underlying Value Systems that drive the major forces acting in our world.


Audio  (.mp3)

on emergent-cyclical theory - what is the basis of Spiral Dynamics?

on how people at lower levels see higher-level behavior
- cries of 'immorality' and confusion when memes are confused with vMemes 

on psychological maturity and Utopianism
- an infinite, emergent process with 'psychological maturity' as a moving, unfolding process  

on the imperative for honesty in dealing with FS
- important for understanding contemporary politics and politicians' failings

introducing the theory
with a reading from the preface to the Never Ending Quest (10 minutes)

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